Scientific Articles
Meili KW, Hjelte J, Lindholm L, Månsdotter A. Capability inequality: Does disadvantage or plurality matter more for policy? A Swedish cross-sectional study on the population distribution and group differences of capability using CALY-SWE. Social Sciences & Humanities Open. 2024 Jan 1;10:100961. -
Meili KW, Mulhern B, Ssegonja R, Norström F, Feldman I, Månsdotter A, Hjelte J, Lindholm L. Eliciting a value set for the Swedish Capability-Adjusted Life Years instrument (CALY-SWE). Qual Life Res 33, 59–72. 2024. doi:
Meili KW, Månsdotter A, Sundberg LR, Hjelte J, Lindholm L. An initiative to develop capability-adjusted life years in Sweden (CALY-SWE): Selecting capabilities with a Delphi panel and developing the questionnaire. PLOS ONE. 2022;17: e0263231.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0263231 -
Meili KW, Jonsson H, Lindholm L, Månsdotter A. Perceived changes in capability during the COVID-19 pandemic: A Swedish cross-sectional study from June 2020. Scand J Public Health. 2021; 14034948211023632.
doi: 10.1177/14034948211023633 -
Månsdotter A, Ekman B, Meili KW, Feldman I, Hagberg L, Hurtig A-K, et al. Towards capability-adjusted life years in public health and social welfare: Results from a Swedish survey on ranking capabilities. PLoS One. 2020;15: e0242699.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0242699 -
Månsdotter A, Ekman B, Feldman I, Hagberg L, Hurtig A-K, Lindholm L. We Propose a Novel Measure for Social Welfare and Public Health: Capability-Adjusted Life-Years, CALYs. Appl Health Econ Health Policy. 2017;15: 437–440.
doi: 10.1007/s40258-017-0323-0
Doctoral thesis
- Meili KW. Capability for broader cost-effectiveness in public health and social welfare : developing, valuing, and applyingcapability-adjusted life years Sweden (CALY-SWE). 2024. Available from:
- Meili KW, Mulhern B, Ssegonja R, Hjelte J, Edin K, Norström F, et al. CALY-SWE value set: An integrated approach for a valuation study based on an online-administered TTO and DCE survey (Preprint). Zenodo; 2023. Available from: doi: 0.5281/zenodo.7493395.
Newspaper articles
Helte S. Nytt verktyg hjälper kommuner fatta rätt beslut för höjd livskvalitet. Dagens samhälle. 2024; Available from:
Lindholm L, Ivarsson A, Löfgren C, Meili K, Nygren L, Pulkki-Brännström AM, Sahlén KG. Mät välfärdens kvalitet i antal “goda år”!. Dagens Samhälle. 2018.
Lindholm L, Ekman B, Feldman I, Hagberg L, Hurtig AK, Månsdotter A. Nytt sätt att mäta livskvalitet öppnar för effektivare insatser. Dagens Samhälle. 2017.
Master theses
Koskela P. Cost-effectiveness of medication-assisted programs for opoid addicts – Using capability adjusted life-years as a measurement tool. Master thesis. 2018.
Meili KW. In Pursuit of Weights For CALY - Exploring methods for measuring and calculating Capability Adjusted Life Year Weights. Master thesis. 2016.
- Anna Månsdotter, Kaspar Meili, Lars Lindholm. Umeå University, Department of Epidemiology and Global Health (2020). Capability ranking among health care related researchers and students at 5 Swedish universities. Swedish National Data Service. Version 1. doi: 10.5878/r2nm-zc35
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